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Notice to Amend Procedural By-Law - July 2024

Posted on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 10:17 AM

Notice of Procedural By-Law Amendments

As per Policy No. 24 – Public Notice Policy, notice is hereby being provided that Dysart et al Council, at their regular meeting to be held on July 23, 2024, will be amending the Procedural By-Law to incorporate a change to the start time of the Glebe Park and Museum Committee and to make administrative updates to Council agenda meeting items.

Agendas and meeting minutes for Dysart Council and Committee meetings can be found here: https://dysartetal.civicweb...

inagural meeting date time and place info photo

Haliburton County OPP Detachment Board Meeting - June 24, 2024

Posted on Tuesday, June 18, 2024 03:22 PM

The inaugural meeting of the Haliburton County OPP Detachment Board has been postponed. Follow They County of Haliburton's social media pages for information about a rescheduled meeting date when it becomes available.

Further information about the Police Detachment Board, as well as the agenda for upcoming meetings, please visit the County of Haliburton website.

tennis courts closure notice

Closure Notice: Tennis Courts

Posted on Monday, June 17, 2024 01:50 PM

The tennis courts at Rotary Beach (Head Lake Park, Haliburton) will be closed from Sunday, June 23rd (in the evening) until further notice for fence replacement. Check back here for updates.

Notice to Amend Fee By-Law - June 2024

Posted on Thursday, May 30, 2024 12:38 PM

Comprehensive Fee By-Law Amendments

Dysart et al Council, at their June 25, 2024 meeting, will be considering changes to By-Law 2024-34, being a by-law to impose fees and charges. This amendment will add the following fees:

  1. Head Lake Park Rental Fee for Organizations and Community Groups - $250 per day for a rentals two (2) hours and over; and
  2. Bandshell Rental Fee for Organizations and Community Groups - $100 per day for a rentals two (2) hours and over.

Local service clubs will be exempted from...

digital drawing of new playground structure

New Harcourt Playground Construction

Posted on Friday, May 24, 2024 11:53 AM

We are excited to announce that a new playground will be installed at the Harcourt Community Centre! This project is fully funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation Capital Grant. The playground will be supplied and installed by Blue Imp. 

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