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Paint brushes - spring activity kits picture

Spring Activity Kits

Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2021 03:53 PM

Need something fun for kids to do during the April Break? We are giving out spring activity kits filled with fun activities at no cost! Call Kate at the Haliburton Highlands Museum at (705) 457 - 2760 to reserve yours. Pick up will be between April 6 - 10th and 12th - 16th. Quantities are limited.

Members of the Dysart Fire Department in a Raft Practicing Ice Training

Ice Safety Reminder - No Ice is Safe Ice

Posted on Wednesday, March 24, 2021 02:25 PM

The Dysart Fire Department wants to remind everyone that no ice is safe ice. Please exercise extra caution around the shorelines and river banks this time of year.

Blue background with COVID-19 balls, a syringe and vaccination bottle.

Update: Press Release - March 19, 2021

Posted on Friday, March 19, 2021 04:02 PM

 Press Release - March 19th, 2021 - Dysart et al Emergency Control Group

Dysart et al has been in further discussions with the HKPR District Health Unit yesterday and today about the Vaccination Centre at the A.J. LaRue Arena regarding the use of the arena as a vaccination site.

We are pleased to announce that a solution has been found to address the concerns expressed by so many throughout our community in response to the pending closure of the arena. The Vaccination Centre will still be located...


Evergreen Cemetery Draft By-Law Amendments

Posted on Monday, March 15, 2021 09:31 AM

Draft Amendments to the Evergreen Cemetery By-Law 2017-42 and the Fees and Charges By-law 2017-43

Staff have made changes and additions to By-law 2017-42 to allow for an easier understanding of Cemetery processes, to be sensitive to the needs of families to memorialize loved ones while keeping with the dignity of the Cemetery and to allow for the Municipality to be able to perform maintenance safely.

By-law 2017-43 has been amended accordingly to be aligned with the cost of services provided.


March Special Meeting Banner

Notice of March Special Meeting of Council

Posted on Tuesday, February 16, 2021 09:48 AM

Dysart will hold a Closed Session Special Meeting of Council on March 2nd at 9:00 am. This meeting will be a waste management education and training session and is closed pursuant to Section 239(3.1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended.

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