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special meeting of council

Notice of February Special Meetings of Council

Posted on Thursday, January 28, 2021 11:55 AM

Dysart will hold two Special Meetings of Council in February.

The third draft of the 2021 Budget will be reviewed on Friday, February 12th @ 9:00 am.

Dysart's Service Delivery Review results will be discussed on Tuesday, February 16th @ 1:00 pm.

All agendas and minutes can be viewed on Dysart's iCompass website:

To view the proceedings, please visit Dysart's YouTube Page

Conceptual plan of Head Lake Rotary Park

Head Lake Park Master Plan

Posted on Friday, January 22, 2021 02:24 PM

During the Council meeting on December 15, 2020, Council approved the Head Lake Rotary Park Master Plan as presented by Basterfield & Associates Inc.  

The Municipality of Dysart et al hired Basterfield & Associates Inc., an architectural firm from Peterborough to lead a visioning session and to come up with a conceptual plan for Head Lake Rotary Park. In the fall of 2019, stakeholders, staff and Councilors were invited to take part in a visioning workshop with Basterfield &...


Update your mailing address online with MPAC

Posted on Monday, January 11, 2021 11:14 AM

As a property owner, you will receive notices from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) about your property's assessed value. If you own a property in Dysart et al but want to receive all your notices at a different mailing address, you can easily update your information with MPAC. Visit to change your mailing address online.

Sorting recycling.

Be safe at Dysart landfills

Posted on Tuesday, January 05, 2021 12:45 PM


As COVID-19 cases continue to rise at an alarming rate, a province-wide shutdown started on Saturday, December 26, 2020. Public health regions, including the Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit will remain in shutdown until at least January 23, 2021.

The purpose of the shutdown is to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in communities, and preserve health system capacity.

At this time, Dysart's five landfills remain open during regular winter hours.

When using a Dysart landfill,...

Smoke dector.

Alarms Save Lives

Posted on Tuesday, January 05, 2021 12:37 PM

Properly installed and working smoke and carbon monoxide alarms could save your life.

According to the International Associations of Firefighters "In half of reported home fires in which smoke alarms were present but did not operate, the batteries had been removed or the alarm was disconnected due to dead battery alerts or nuisance alarms. Working smoke alarms decrease the risk of dying in reported home fires by nearly half according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).

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