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Notice of Public Meeting

Posted on Monday, January 15, 2024 10:00 AM

Proposed Official Plan Amendment and Proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment
Lands of Emmerson Lumber Limited
File Nos.:D08-OP-2023-003 and D14-ZB-2023-009

Haliburton outdoor rink

Outdoor Rinks 2024 - Update

Posted on Friday, January 12, 2024 11:54 AM

The outdoor skating rink located at 76 Maple Avenue is now open!

Please keep in mind:

  • The outdoor rinks are subject to weather conditions.
  • All community outdoor rinks are unsupervised.
  • Skaters are encouraged to wear helmets at all times.

Notice of New Meeting Start Time - December 12 Council

Posted on Monday, December 04, 2023 01:47 PM

Please take notice that the December 12th Regular Meeting of Council will begin at 8:30 am to avoid potential scheduling conflicts with the County of Haliburton Inaugural Meeting. 

Minutes and agendas can be accessed on the Dysart et al Civicweb Portal: 

Waste & Recycling During the Holidays

Posted on Monday, December 04, 2023 12:33 PM

There's snow on the ground. Lights are up. Candy canes are out. Gingerbread is in the oven. The tree is aglow. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Reduce, reuse, recycle during the holidays

Did you know? Household waste can increase more than 25% during the holiday season. With all the shopping and gift wrapping, there can be a lot of waste. Reduce, reuse and recycle this season!


  • Whenever possible, support local retailers and businesses.
  • Bring your own reusable bag when shopping.

Haliburton County Huskies skating at Harcourt rink with kids

Harcourt Outdoor Rink Grand Opening

Posted on Monday, November 27, 2023 04:27 PM

The Municipality of Dysart et al would like to thank all of you who came out to support the Harcourt Outdoor Rink Grand Opening on Sunday, February 5, 2023!

A big thanks to the Haliburton County Huskies for taking time from their busy schedule to come support this community event. The kids were so happy to be able to skate with you!

Also, thank you to the Harcourt Ladies Committee for serving up delicious food and providing a place to warm up.

Jamie Schmale, MP, Laurie Scott, Klara Oyler and Walt...

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