The next Municipal and School Board Election will take place on Monday, October 26, 2026. 

Are you on the voters list?

You can use Elections Ontario’s Voter Registration service to confirm, update or add your information for both provincial and municipal elections in Ontario.

The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) remains responsible for collecting information about school support. To update your school support information, visit MPAC’s online School Support tool.

Information for Candidates

Are you interested in running for office? The province of Ontario releases a comprehensive Candidates' Guide for every municipal election. The new guide will be updated closer to the 2026 election date, however, potential candidates can check out the 2022 guide in the meantime if they want to learn more.

2022 Candidates' Guide

 Qualifications for Members of Council
To qualify as a candidate for Municipal Council, you must be:
  • A Canadian citizen;
  • At least 18 years old;
  • A resident in the Municipality of Dysart et al; or
  • A non-resident of Dysart et al and you or your spouse own or rent property in the Municipality; and
  • Not legally prohibited from voting; and
  • Not disqualified by any legislation from holding municipal office.

The following individuals cannot run for Council:

  • employees of the Municipality of Dysart et al, unless they are on an unpaid leave of absence from their employment at the time of nomination and are able to provide copies of documentation showing the unpaid leave and the effective date. As per section 30(7) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, volunteer firefighters shall not be considered employees of the Municipality;
  • a judge of any court;
  • a member of the Provincial Legislature, the Federal House of Commons or Senate who has not resigned from their office by the close of nominations. Proof of resignation must be provided by the close of nominations or the Clerk will not certify the nomination;
  • a member of the Executive Council of Ontario or a federal Minister of the Crown;
  • individuals prohibited from voting in the municipal election under subsection 17(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended;
  • a former candidate who failed to file the necessary financial statement or exceeded the prescribed spending limit in the last municipal election.
Qualifications for School Board Trustees

 To qualify as a School Board Trustee candidate, you must be:

  • A Canadian citizen;
  • At least 18 years old;
  • A resident in the school board area of jurisdiction;
  • An eligible voter for members of the school board for which you are seeking office;
  • Not legally prohibited from voting; and 
  • Not disqualified by any legislation from holding municipal office.

The following individuals cannot run for the office of School Board Trustee:

  • employees of any district school board (including supply teachers) or school authority, unless they are on an unpaid leave of absence as provided for by section 219 (5) of the Education Act, 1990, as amended, and section 30 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996;
  • a clerk, treasurer, deputy-clerk or deputy-treasurer of any municipality within the school board's area of jurisdiction, unless they are on an unpaid leave of absence as provided for by section 219 (5) of the Education Act, 1990, as amended, and section 30 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996;
  • a judge of any court;
  • a member of the Provincial Legislature, the Federal House of Commons or Senate who has not resigned from their office by the close of nominations. Proof of resignation must be provided by the close of nominations or the Clerk will not certify the nomination;
  • a member of the Executive Council of Ontario or a federal Minister of the Crown;
  • individuals prohibited from voting in the municipal election under subsection 17(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended;
  • a former candidate who failed to file the necessary financial statement or exceeded the prescribed spending limit in the last municipal election.

Election Reports and Documentation

 2022 Election Reports and Documentation 


 2014-2018 Election Reports and Documentation 


Contact Us

Mallory Bishop
Municipality of Dysart et al 135 Maple Avenue, Haliburton Ontario, Canada K0M 1S0 P.O. Box 389
T. 705-457-1740 x631
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