General Inquiries

How do I file a formal complaint/concern? 


Where do you find fees and charges for municipal services?

Visit our Fees and Charges webpage.

Marriage Licences

Who does a person contact to obtain a Marriage Licence?

Laurie Salvatori
How does a person apply for a Marriage Licence?

Complete the Marriage Licence Application and set up an appointment to obtain the official Marriage Licence. If a person does not have access to the internet, you can make arrangements to pick up an application at the office.

What is the cost for a Marriage Licence?
The cost is $125.00 cash or debit and must be paid for the same day the Marriage Licence is issued. 
Do both parties have to be present to apply for a Marriage Licence?
No, both parties are required to fully complete and sign the Marriage Licence Application but only 1 (one) person has to be present to obtain the actual Marriage Licence.
How long is a Marriage Licence good for?
A Marriage Licence is valid for use anywhere in Ontario and expires 3 months after the date of issue.


Does Dysart have a Notary?
No, Dysart has Commissioners only. If a document requires a Notary, the person would be directed somewhere else (i.e. a lawyer). 
Do you have to make an appointment for a Commissioning? 

Yes, it is best to set up an appointment first, just to confirm that someone is available by contacting:

  1. Laurie Salvatori
  2. Mallory Bishop
  3. Tamara Wilbee 
  4. Sherry-Lee Chabai 
  5. Shannon Walker
  6. Crystal Bliedung
  7. Tammy Wilson (Dysart Planning Applications Only) 

Is there a cost for Commissioning a document?

The first document is free and then $10.00/document thereafter.

Evergreen Cemetery

Who does a person contact to purchase a lot at or to inquire about Evergreen Cemetery?
Laurie Salvatori 
Where does a person find operating information and prices for the services provided at Evergreen Cemetery? 

Cemetery By-law 2023-96 

Fees and Charges By-law 2023-56

Council/Committee Meetings

Where do I access staff reports, minutes, agendas and by-laws online? 
How do I watch Council meetings online? 


When are local events and meetings taking place? 
How do I write a letter to Council or make a delegation to Council? 

Click here for information on addressing a letter to Council.

Click here for information on making a delegation to Council.

Contact: Mallory Bishop


Am I on the list to vote in the Municipal Election? Is my information correct?

You can use Elections Ontario’s Voter Registration service to confirm, update or add your information for both provincial and municipal elections in Ontario. 

The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) remains responsible for collecting information about school support. To update your school support information, visit MPAC’s online School Support tool.

Where can I find information on previous elections?

Reports and documentation from the 2014 election onward can be found here: https://www.dysartetal.ca/en/municipal-government/municipal-and-school-board-election.aspx 


I require a document in an accessible format or require communication supports. 


Contact: Mallory Bishop 

I would like to apply to use Dysart et al's Accessible Community Transportation Service (The DYMO Bus). 


What can I recycle? 
Recycling is mandatory and must be sorted into Containers and Papers. Visit www.dysartetal.ca/wastewizard to learn if an item can be recycled or disposed of.
What can I put my garbage in? 
Garbage must be placed in clear bags. 
Where are the hours of Dysart's landfill sites? 

Dysart operates five landfill sites. Visit www.dysartetal.ca/landfills for more information. 

What are the disposal fees at Dysart's landfill sites? 

Three of Dysart’s landfill sites accept materials with disposal fees. Visit www.dysartetal.ca/landfillfees for more information.

Where can I drop off paint, chemicals, gasoline, motor oil, etc.? 

Items with the corrosive, explosive, flammable and toxic symbols should never be placed in your garbage or recycling, or poured down a drain.

Instead, Dysart et al residents with valid Dysart landfill identification user cards can drop off these items at one of Dysart’s Household Hazardous Waste Days. Visit www.dysartetal.ca/hhw for more information. 

When are landfill identification user cards issued?

Dysart's 2023-2025 Landfill Identification Cards (they are purple) were mailed to all Dysart ratepayers inside the June 2023 tax bill.

Landfill identification user cards must be shown at all Dysart et al landfill sites.

Two free landfill identification user cards are inserted with the final tax bill for each business or assessed parcel of land every two years. If you are a property owner, you will receive replacement cards every two years.

How do I get a new or replacement landfill identification user card? 

Complete the online form at www.dysartetal.ca/landfillcard

I want to set-up pre-approved credit to Dysart's landfills. 

Complete the online form at www.dysartetal.ca/landfillcredit

I want to report illegal dumping. 

Complete the online form at www.dysartetal.ca/illegaldumping

I own or am using a short-term rental property. What do I need to know about waste and recycling in Dysart? 

Visit www.dysartetal.ca/shorttermrenter for more information.

I have a question, concern or compliment about Dysart's waste management programs.

Please email John Watson.

Fire Department

Can I have a campfire/fire during the day?
No fires/burning is allowed between 7am and 7pm between April 1st and October 31st. 
Can I obtain a permit that allows me to burn during the day? 
Permits for daytime burning are only issued to commercial businesses or in conjunction with entry, building or demolition permits.  
How much does a daytime burning permit cost? 
How do I obtain a daytime burning permit? 


Once the Fire Department has reviewed the application and performed a site visit, they will contact you with the application approval. Daytime burning is not permitted until the daytime burning permit application is approved by the Fire Department. 

Additional rules for fires/burning? 

Open Air Fire shall comply with the following conditions:

  • a responsible person is available and in attendance at all times until the fire is completely extinguished;
  • the material is burned in a single pile that is less than two (2) metres in diameter and less than two (2) metres high;
  • only burn wood or by-products of wood;
  • do not burn noxious materials;
  • fire must be at least (3) metres from combustible materials, property line, buildings, fences, trees and roadway;
  • the responsible person has tools and/or extinguishing agent adequate to contain and completely extinguish the fire; and
  • the fire must be completely extinguished before the burn site is vacated.

How do I become a Volunteer Firefighter?

Fill out Volunteer Firefighter Application at https://forms.dysartetal.ca/Volunteer-Firefighter-Job-Application or visit the fire hall to obtain an application. The Fire Department will review applications and perform interviews when ready to hire.

What is required to become a Volunteer Firefighter?

Must be:

  • at least 18 years old;
  • healthy and fit to perform strenuous duties;
  • have a clean criminal record;
  • show a commitment to taking required courses;
  • available to respond to varied emergency calls 24/7; and
  • live (and/or work) within a reasonable distance from the fire hall.
My Insurance Company wants to know if the Dysart Fire Department has Tanker Shuttle Accreditation/Certification?
My Insurance Company wants to know the closest responding fire hall or closest fire hydrant?
Call the Fire Department at 705-457-2126 and leave a message.
I have a non-emergency question, who can I talk to?
Call the Fire Department non-emergency line and leave a message at 705-457-2126 or email Dan Chumbley.

Property Tax

Outstanding balance on my property tax account? 
  1. Dysart does not offer online access to your property tax account.
  2. Please contact Crystal Bliedung - Tax Collector (ext. 639) or Sherry-Lee Chabai - Finance Assistant (ext. 667).
I recently sold my property but I just received a tax bill? 
  1. Ownership changes must be provided to the Municipal office after the sale has closed.
  2. It is your lawyer’s responsibility to ensure the property tax office receives the required documentation when a transfer takes place.
  3. Please contact Crystal Bliedung- Tax Collector (ext. 639) to confirm we have received notification of this change. 
I'm a new property owner and haven't received a tax bill yet? 
  1. Ownership changes must be provided to the Municipal office after the sale has closed.
  2. It is your lawyer’s responsibility to ensure the property tax office receives the required documentation when a transfer takes place.
  3. Please contact Crystal Bliedung- Tax Collector (ext. 639) to confirm we have received notification of this change. 
I need to change my mailing address? 
  1. Written authorization is required to make this change. Please complete our online address change form.
  2. Hand written notice can be mailed in or dropped off but must include your roll number, new mailing address and signature of the registered property owner or POA (we must have POA documents on file).
I need to order a Tax Certificate? 

Tax Certificates

Contact: Shannon Walker - Cash Receipting Clerk (ext. 621)

I want to enroll in our PAP plan for tax account?
Pre-Authorized Payment Plans
I want to confirm recent tax payment? 
Contact: Crystal Bliedung (ext. 639) or Shannon Walker (ext. 621)
I need a receipt for my recent payment? 
  1. Receipts are only provided for payments you've made in our office by way of cash, cheque or debit.
  2. If you've made your payments at your bank teller or online through your bank we can date stamp your bill as paid if you bring it to the office or send it to us with a self-addresses stamped envelope requesting this service otherwise you can purchase an Account Statement for a fee of $10.00.
  3. Please note for payments made online or at your bank, these payments can take up to 3 days to reach our office. We recognize your payment the day we receive the funds with is NOT the same day you make your payment.
I need a reprint of a tax bill or statement of account? 
  1. Reprint Tax bill - $25.00/roll number
  2. Statement of account - $10.00/roll number
  3. Please contact Crystal Bliedung - Tax Collector (ext. 639)
Tax account should be paid by mortgage company? 
  1. Please contact your mortgage company and advise them they need to provide the municipality with this information. No changes will be processed until we receive notification from your mortgage company. 
I don't understand my tax bill calculation? 
  1. Property taxes are calculated based on your Assessment Value assigned by MPAC.

Property Assessments

My tax bill assessment value doesn't match what MPAC notice says? 
  1. Current year assessment values are used in the calculation of FINAL tax notices only. Interim tax notices are based on prior year assessment value and are calculated at 50% of prior year tax rate.
How do I dispute my assessment value? 


What are my total taxes for the year? 

  1. Please refer to the summary section on your FINAL tax notice.
  2. Contact: Crystal Bliedung - Tax Collector (ext. 639) or Shannon Walker - Finance Assistant (ext. 621)
I need a landfill card? 
Landfill Identification User Cards
I want to pay my property tax account with my credit card? 

Payment Options

I received a Supplementary Tax Notice - What is this for? 
Supplementary Tax Billings
What is the current year tax rate? 

Tax Rates

How can I pay my landfill bill? 
  1. Cash, cheque or debit at the front counter.
  2. Cheques can be mailed to the municipal office or placed in the drop slot if after hours.
  3. Credit Card by selecting "I Want to" from our home page and enter Make a payment.
What is the zoning on my property? 
Please contact Adam Meijer in our Planning Department (ext. 675).
What can I build on my property? 
Please contact Ashley Lambe in our Building Department (ext. 658)
How do you calculate the number of ERU's on my tax bill?
Please contact our Chief Building Official Karl Korpela (ext. 627)

A.J. LaRue Community Centre

Who do I contact to rent ice at the A.J. LaRue Arena? 

Visit our online calendar to view availability. To book the ice call 705-457-1740 x. 635 or email recreation@dysartetal.ca. Ice rental inquiries in the evening or on the weekend will be addressed the next business day. To rent late night ice, you must contact the office at least one business day in advance.

How much does it cost the rent the ice?

Visit our Arena page to view ice rates.

How can I pay for my rental/invoice? 

You can pay for your rental at the arena office with debit or credit on the arena square reader.

If you are a regular contract holder and receive monthly invoices, you can pay by cheque or EFT. Please contact the Programs and Events Manager at recreation@dysartetal.ca or call 705-457-1740 x.635. 

What are the hours of the arena?

The arena is open seven days a week from 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.*

*The arena will close early if no late night rentals are scheduled.

How do I register for public skating? 

Visit https://www.dysartetal.ca/en/explore-and-play/arena.aspx to register. If you are having difficulty call 705-457-1740 x.662 during business hours or on weekends or after hours call 705-457-2083. Please leave a message with your name, contact number and reason for your call. A staff member will return your call. 

What are the ice seasons? 

Fall/Winter Ice – The day after Labour Day until Easter weekend.

Summer Ice – the week encompassing July 1 – Labour Day Monday.

I would like to book the arena floor for ball hockey?

Visit our online calendar to view availability [link to arena floor page]. To book the floor surface, call 705-457-1740 x.635 or email recreation@dysartetal.ca. Floor rental inquiries made in the evening or on the weekend will be addressed the next business day. 

Outdoor Rinks

Do you need to reserve a time to skate on the outdoor rinks? 

No, use of the outdoor rinks is on a first come first served basis. There is no fee to use the rinks. 

When are the rinks cleared? 

The first priority of the parks staff is to ensure that all walkways, bridges, entrances to municipal buildings are clear of snow and ice.  After completing these task, staff will then clear and flood the outdoor rinks (if necessary). 

Where are the outdoor rinks located? 

Visit the outdoor rinks page on our website.  
What are the hours for the outdoor rinks?

The rinks are available dusk to dawn. The Maple Avenue rink has a set of lights operated by a timer and can be used into the evening hours.


I am interested in booking an event at one of the municipal parks. How do I do this? 
  1. Contact the Events and Recreation Programs Manager to discuss your event 705-457-1740 x.635 or email: recreation@dysartetal.ca.
  2. If this is a returning event you will be asked to fill out a Park Use Agreement. Staff will review your request and contact you with next steps.
  3. If you are looking to book a new event or you are making significant changes to your event, you will need to make a presentation to council.  This can be arranged by contacting the Municipal Clerk.


Is there overnight parking for snowmobile trailers/vehicles in Dysart et al?

No there is not. To learn more about possible parking options contact the Haliburton County Snowmobile Association

Hiking Trails

Are there hiking trails in Dysart et al? 

Yes, we have some hiking trails. For details about our trails and links to other trails in the county please visit: https://www.dysartetal.ca/en/explore-and-play/hiking.aspx


Do you rent snowshoes? 
We do not rent snowshoes, but for a donation, you can borrow a pair from the Haliburton Highlands Museum to use on our snowshoe trails located at Glebe Park.
Are there snowshoe trails?
Yes, we have a series of trails at Glebe Park, there are also other trail opportunities located in the Municipality.

Baseball Diamonds

Where are the baseball diamonds located?

There are three baseball diamonds in Dysart et al:

  • West Guilford Community Centre
  • Harcourt Community Centre
  • Glebe Park


Where is the museum located? 

Just on the outskirts of Haliburton Village at 66 Museum Road. Follow Highway 118 out of the village, as if you were heading towards West Guilford and just a couple of minutes outside of Haliburton, make a left hand turn onto Bayshore Road. Museum Road runs off of Bayshore Road.

For details on current opening hours and COVID protocols, visit the museum’s website at https://www.dysartetal.ca/en/explore-and-play/museum.aspx

Are there trails near the museum? 

Yes! In Glebe Park, you can enjoy cross country skiing, mountain biking, snowshoeing and hiking. The museum is also located on the Head Lake Trail, a walking trail which makes a circuit around the lake. For details on the trails and other recreation opportunities, please visit the Glebe Park page on this site: https://www.dysartetal.ca/en/explore-and-play/glebe-park.aspx 

I have an item I'd like to donate tot he museum. Would the museum be interested in it? 

Thank you so much for thinking of us! Please send an e-mail to info@haliburtonhighlandsmuseum.com with a photo of the item and details on its history, especially its connection to the history of Dysart et al, and we’ll let you know if it’s something we’d be interested in adding to the collection. 

By-Law Enforcement

Is there a by-law for keeping your yard clean from garbage?
There is the Property Standards By-Law that sets out standards for maintaining your yard and property. 
What are the times for burning in the summer? 
From April 1 to October 31 you can burn between 7pm to 7am, November 1 to May 31 you can burn during the day with no time restrictions. 
When are Fireworks permitted? 

Fireworks are permitted on:


  • New Year’s Eve – between 8:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. the following day;
  • Victoria Day – between 8:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. on the weekend preceding and including the statutory holiday;
  • Canada Day – between 8:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.:
    • i) When Canada Day falls on Monday or Tuesday, permitted use is on the weekend prior and on the holiday.
    • ii) When Canada Day falls on Wednesday, permitted use is the holiday and the weekend prior or the weekend following.
    • iii) When Canada Day falls on Thursday, permitted use is the weekend following and on the holiday.
    • iv) When Canada Day falls on a weekend, permitted use is on the weekend it falls.
  • Civic Holiday – between 8:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. on the weekend preceding and including the statutory holiday. 
  • Labour Day – between 8:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. on the weekend preceding and including the statutory holiday.
Can I keep a RV or camping trailer on my vacant property before I building my home? 
No, you cannot store or use an RV or Camping trailer on your vacant property, however you can use an RV or Camping trailer on your vacant property for up to 12 months after the issue of a building permit. 

Planning and Land Information

What is the Zoning of my property? 

To check the zoning of a property, please find your property on our interactive zoning map based on township.

Once you have found your property, it will be coloured and/or labelled with a zone. To review what is permitted in your zone visit the Municipalities Zoning By-law.

For step by step instruction please review the Instructions to lookup zoning guide. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning and Land Information Department.

How do I change the zoning of my property? 
A zoning by-law amendment is likely required to change the zoning of your property. An owner or agent may submit a zoning by-law amendment application to change the zoning of a property. The application can be found under the Planning and Land Use tab, under Zoning on the website. If you have questions about a zoning by-law amendment, contact the Planning and Land Division Department.  
 Can I build on my property?

To determine if a property is buildable, first step is to determine what your property is zoned. Please refer to question 1 to look up zoning.

After you have determined the zoning, create a site plan with all proposed structures to ensure your ideas adhere to all the setbacks within the Zoning By-law.

Once you have a site plan, either submit it to planning@dysartetal.ca to review in compliance with the zoning by-law

Please note that the Municipality will not provide detailed information about a property or the development potential of a property unless you are the owner.  It is a prospective purchasers responsibility to do their own due diligence and determine the development capability of a property.  If you would like to obtain more information about a subject property, the Municipality offers the service of a compliance letter.                           

If you wish to obtain a compliance letter, please submit a request to the Planning and Land Information Department, including specific information being requested, and the applicable fee.  The base fee for a compliance letter is $180.00.  To review the current fee schedule, please review the Municipal Administration Fees and Charges.

How do I buy my shore road allowance?
You can make an application to council to purchase your shore road allowance. Please contact the Planning and Land Information Department to obtain the required information to purchase the shore road allowance. The application for such purchase can be found on our website under the Planning and Land Use tab, planning application forms and fees.  
Can my property be severed?

The County of Haliburton is the approval authority for severance applications. While the Land Division Committee is at the County of Haliburton, the Planning and Land Information Department reviews land severance proposals within Dysart et al. Please contact the Planning and Land Information Department. Be prepared to provide a detailed proposal showing how you wish to sever the property.

Building and Construction

Quite often homeowners, contractors, perspective buyers, etc. contact our office with questions pertaining to what can/ cannot be built on a property. We have compiled a general list of Frequently Asked Questions for a quick reference. It is important to note that even if a building permit is not required, all Zoning By-Law restrictions must be adhered to, and Septic compliance may also be a factor.

If your question is not answered within our general list, please contact the building department directly and we will be able to guide you in the right direction. 

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