Property Taxes

Tax Rates

The tax rate is applied to the property's current value
assessment (CVA) to determine the amount of property taxes to be levied.


                Residential                    Commercial                Manage Forest

                   (RTEP)                             (CTN)                            (TTEP)

Current     0.00742309                    0.01753767                    0.00185577

2023         0.00704904                    0.01698307                    0.00176226

2022         0.00691270                    0.01678093                    0.00172818     


To calculate your annual property taxes billed, multiply your assessment value by the tax rate for your property rate class.

Additional tax rate information.

Payment Due Dates
  • 2025 Property Tax due dates are in MARCH 12, APRIL 9, JULY 9 and SEPTEMBER 10.
  • Interim bill – billed at 50 % of last year’s total taxes, mailed out by February and due in March and April
  • Final bill – based on current year assessment multiplied by current year tax rate less interim billed amount, mailed out by June and due in July and September
  • If your tax bill stub states “DO NOT PAY – ACCOUNT ENROLLED IN PAP” OR  “DO NOT PAY – PAID BY MORTGAGE HOLDER” no additional payments are required from the property owner

**If you did not receive your tax notice, you are still responsible to ensure payments are made**

Payment & Receipt Options - Canadian Funds Only


Payments through your bank
  • On your bank's website search for Dysart or Dysart taxes in the payee list 
  • Enter your 15 digit roll number (no spaces or dashes) as the account number
  • Payments are posted to your tax account the day we receive the funds NOT the date you made the payment
    • These payments take 2-3 business days to get to our office, pay at least 2-3 days before due date to avoid penalty.  
Pre-Authorized Payment Plans
  • 10 Month PAP Plan (automatically withdraws your interim/final taxes in 5 equal monthly installments on the last business day of each month from your bank account) Plan runs from February – November.
  • Installment PAP Plan (automatically withdraws installment amounts due from your bank account on the due dates stated on your tax bill)
  • Written notice from the property owner is required to cancel these pap plans 15 days prior to the next installment date.
  • PAP enrollment form
In Person Payments
  • Make a payment in person at the Municipal Office located at:
    • 135 Maple Avenue
      Haliburton, ON K0M 1S0
  • Hours of Operation:
    Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (excluding designated holidays)
  • Dysart et al accepts payments by way of cheque, money order, or bank draft. We also accept post-dated cheques.
  • A drop-off box (left of the door) is available for your convenience at the Municipal Office to accept non-cash payments after regular hours.
Payments by Mail
  • Attach your payment stub and make your cheque payable to Dysart et al
  • Write your roll number on the front of your cheque
  • Allow sufficient time for the payment to reach our office on or before the due date in order to avoid penalty charges
  • Mail cheques to 135 Maple Avenue PO BOX 389 Haliburton, ON K0M 1S0

Payments are posted to your tax account the day we receive the funds NOT the date on the cheque.

Payments online by debit card or credit card

  • Pay online with your debit card or credit card using Paymentus
    • Paymentus is a third-party service which accepts debit card, MasterCard, Visa, and American Express

    • Paymentus charges a service fee for each transaction. Please note, the Municipality does not receive any part of this service fee

    • These service fees will be stated separately on your debit card or credit card statement as "Paymentus Service Fee"


Information about paying your property taxes online with a debit card or credit card

  • Each property needs to be paid individually using your 15 digit roll number as shown on your property tax bill (including dashes - )
  • Payments are posted to your tax account the day we receive the funds, not the date you make the payment
  • These payments take 2-3 business days to get to our office, pay at least 2-3 days before due date to avoid penalty 

Receipt Options

  1. Receipts are only provided for payments you've made in our office by way of cash, cheque or debit.
  2. If you've made your payments at your bank teller or online through your bank we can date stamp your bill as paid if you bring it to the office or send it to us with a self-addresses stamped envelope requesting this service otherwise you can purchase an Account Statement for a fee of $10.00.
  3. Please note for payments made online or at your bank, these payments can take up to 3 days to reach our office. We recognize your payment the day we receive the funds which is NOT the same day you make your payment.
  4. If you make your payment online through Payments using your debit card or credit card, you will receive an emailed receipt at time of payment. 
Penalty/Interest Charges
  • Penalty and interest charges of 1.25 % will be added to installments not paid by the end of the month. Penalty and interest charges are applied on the first day of each month. Council and staff do not have the authority to waive or alter a penalty or interest charge for any reason. This policy is strictly applied to maintain fairness to all property owners.
  • Failure to receive a tax bill does not excuse a taxpayer from responsibility for payment.
  • Reminder notices are mailed out annually in October. Any tax account with a past due balance of 2 years will be charged a $30 final notice fee on December 1st.  If not paid by the end of the year the tax registration process will begin which may result in your property being sold by Dysart et al.  
Returned NSF Payments
Any returned tax payment will be charged a $ 40.00 ADMIN fee 
Supplementary Tax Billings
  • The Assessment Act allows a municipality to issue a supplementary tax bill for new buildings, new homes, alterations, improvements or class changes. Supplementary assessments can be added for the current year and up to the two preceding years. Any questions concerning your supplemental assessment value please contact Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC).
  • Supplementary bills will be payable in two installments only; therefore new owners are advised to plan in advance for the eventual payment of these taxes.
  • Supplementary bills are assigned 2 due dates and are in addition to any previously received tax bills.  Supplementary bills are not included in your PAP plan and will incur penalty at 1.25% if not paid by the due dates stated on the bill. 
Name, Ownership and Mailing Address Changes
  • To make a change to the name or ownership on your property tax account, the Municipality of Dysart et al requires a copy of an updated registered deed as provided by your lawyer.
  • To make a change or correction to your mailing address, complete our mailing address change form or provide the municipal office with written notice from the property owner(s). Written notice can be mailed, faxed, hand delivered or scanned and emailed to Pictures of the completed form are not acceptable.
  • Changes provided to the Municipality of Dysart et al are not shared with MPAC (Municipal Property Assessment Corporation).  This is the entity that provides you and the municipal office with your assessment value which is the basis of your property tax calculation. Property owners can notify MPAC directly online or contact them at 1-866-296-6722.


Tax Bill Reprints and Account Statements

 Tax Bill Reprint
  • $25.00
  • This will not show your current balance, it is strictly a reprint of the bill at the time it was calculated.
 Account Statement
  •  $10.00
  • This provides the detailed transactions on the account, the current balance owing as well as the current year assessment value.
  • These notices are only available to the registered property owners.

Please contact Crystal Bliedung - Tax Collector (ext. 639)

Property Assessment


Tax Certificates
  • Tax certificates can be purchased by your lawyer by sending in a written request identifying the property roll number and/or legal address along with payment of $ 50.00 by way of cheque made payable to Dysart et al. Tax certificates will not be issued until payment is received in our office.  Contact receptionist if more information is required. 
Contact Shannon Walker - (ext. 621) for Tax Certificate Information.
Property Tax Sales
  • Tax Sales take place in Dysart annually
  • The Municipal Act authorizes the Municipality to begin the tax registration process on any property with unpaid taxes greater than 2 years on January 1st of each year. 
  • This is a 1 year process and if left unpaid after the 1 year deadline the property will be sold by the Municipality by public tender in our annual tax sale.
  • Tax sale listings will be posted in our local newspapers for 4 weeks prior to the sale and can also be found on our website homepage. 

Contact Us

Dysart et al
P.O. Box 389,
Haliburton, Ontario K0M 1S0
Main: 705-457-1740 | Fax: 705-457-1964

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