Ontario has mandatory accessibility standards in five areas of daily life including customer service, design of public spaces, employment, information and communication and transportation. Dysart et al is committed to complying with the Ontario Human Rights Code, Ontarians with Disabilities Act, and the Accessibility for Ontarians' with Disability Act (AODA).
Accessible Formats and Communication Support
Dysart et al will arrange for the provision of information in an alternate format that is accessible upon request at a cost that is no more than what would be charged for the standard format. Alternate formats could include large print, colour contrast, electronic formats, and more.
Dysart will also arrange for communication supports including use of plain language, providing a staff person to read documents aloud, providing a voice recorder for those unable to write, and more.
Requests for alternate formats for documentation or communication supports should be addressed to the Municipal Clerk/Accessibility Coordinator for assistance. Requests can be made in person, via email on the phone, or in whatever mode of communication is suitable for the individual seeking the service.
County of Haliburton Joint Accessibility Plan
The 2023-2027 Multi-Year Joint Accessibility Plan can be reviewed either online or in person at the Dysart Branch of the Haliburton County Public Library. This plan identifies barriers along with a work plan and solutions to address those barriers. Each year, this is updated to ensure that we continue to meet our targets. This tool is used to implement policies, practices, procedures and training and to identify and evaluate projects to remove barriers.
If you experience difficulty accessing this document, or you would like this document in an alternate format, please contact the County of Haliburton by telephone at 705-286-1333 or email at accessibility@haliburtoncounty.ca.
- Click here to view the Haliburton County 2022 Accessibility Accomplishments
- Click here to view the Haliburton County 2023 Accessibility Accomplishments
- Click here to view the Haliburton County 2024 Accessibility Accomplishments
Accessible Customer Service
Dysart et al strives to ensure that we provide exceptional customer service. Everyone will be given equal opportunity to access goods and services from our Municipality as per our Accessible Customer Service Policy.
All of our staff, Council and committee members are required to be trained with regard to Accessible Customer Service. Third party contractors and consultants who perform work with the public on our behalf are also required to provide records that they have undertaken training in this regard.
Feedback Process
Feedback from the public is encouraged as it will help us identify barriers that we may not be aware of which results in continuous improvements throughout the community.
Feedback may be provided in any format. Feedback related to accessibility should be directed to the Municipal Clerk as the designated Accessibility Coordinator. The Clerk will respond as soon as practical to advise that the feedback has been received and to determine what a suitable action might be to remedy the issue.
Accessible Customer Service Feedback Form
Accessible Transportation
The DYMO Bus provides accessible transit services in and around Haliburton Village for Dysart et al residents. Please visit our Accessible Transportation page for more information.
Notice of Temporary Disruptions
Any changes to meeting or event dates or locations or general service disruptions of any nature will be posted on the home page of this website for ease of access by all users.
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