As a resident of the Municipality of Dysart et al, you can provide input on development applications. 

The following list contains the current planning applications related to larger developments in the Municipality of Dysart et all. Please contact Planning and Land Information staff to inquire about these or other applications you may be interested in.

Subdivision: File D00-SB-2023-001 LRC Campbell Ltd. 

Condominium: File D07-CD-2023-002 LRC Campbell Ltd


 Zoning By-law Amendment - D14-ZB-2024-012 - Popp and Arndt 

Zoning By-law Amendment - D14-ZB-2024-004 - 2784805 Ontario Inc. - 77 Wallings Road
Planning Development Applications Interactive Map
Development Application Interactive Map

This interactive maps displays all current development applications within the Municipality of Dysart et al. To view development applications search by address or roll number, then select the coloured feature. 

The dialogue box on the left side will describe the type of application, application number, status and assigned staff. 

Please note: This interactive map is updated weekly. For up to date information, please email 

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