Days of Significance

Dysart et al flies flags at half-mast on special days as established by the Federal Government of Canada. Below is a list of special days and months:

April 28 National Day of Mourning for Persons Killed or Injured in the Workplace
June 23 National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism
2nd Sunday in September Firefighters’ National Memorial Day
Last Sunday in September National Peace and Police Officers Memorial Day
September 30 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
November 11 Remembrance Day
December 6 National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

Community Flags

The Municipality has designated one flagpole at the A.J. LaRue Arena as the community flagpole. Members of the public may follow the application process outlined below to request a flag raising.

Community Flag Raising Criteria

The community flagpole may be used to fly flags:

  • To celebrate civic events important to the residents of Dysart et al;
  • To promote community service, charitable or not-for profit organizations and/or public awareness campaigns;
  • To promote charitable fundraising campaigns;
  • To celebrate arts or cultural events;
  • To improve public awareness of programs and/or activities;
  • To celebrate special honours for individuals or organizations for special achievements; or
  • For other reasons as determined by Council.

The community flagpole will not be used for the following purposes:

  • Matters that promote discrimination, hatred, violence or prejudice;
  • Political parties, political organizations, or candidates for election;
  • Religious organizations or religious events or celebrations;
  • Fundraising drives that are political or religious in nature;
  • Celebrations, campaigns or events with no direct relationship to the Municipality;
  • Celebrations, campaigns or events contrary to Municipal Policies or by-laws;
  • Celebrations, campaigns or events intended to defame the integrity of the Municipality;
  • Corporate promotion;
  • Celebrations, campaigns or events intended for commercial profit-making purposes;
  • Campaigns attempting to influence government policy; or
  • Matters that are contrary to any law.
Rules for the Community Flagpole
  • Requests must support residents or events in Dysart et al such as a public awareness campaigns and foster a sense of community.
  • Requests must relate to activities or subject matter that demonstrates respect and tolerance for all Dysart et al residents.
  • Approvals and use of the community flagpole shall be granted on a first-come first-serve basis.
  • Applications shall only be considered once per year per organization.
  • Flags shall be flown for up to one (1) week at a time with the exemption of the Poppy/Lest We Forget Flag which will be flown for one (1) month.
  • Approved flags must be provided to the Municipal Office at least five (5) days prior to the requested display date.
  • Flags shall only be raised and lowered on those business days the Municipal Office is open.
  • Flags must not be larger than 3 ft x 6 ft (36" x 72").
 Applications for Community Flag Raising

Please read the Community Flag Raising Criteria and Rules for the Community Flagpole prior to submitting an application. Community flag display requests are made to the Clerk who will include the request on the next Council agenda meeting for review and approval. Requests made less than four (4) weeks prior to the requested date may not be accommodated. 

Apply Online

Alternatively, you may mail, email or hand-deliver an application to:

Municipal Clerk - Municipality of Dysart et al 
PO Box 389 135 Maple Avenue
Haliburton, ON K0M 1S0

Your application must include the following information:

  • Name of the requesting organization;
  • Contact information;
  • Requested event or occasion;
  • Date or time period of event or occasion;
  • Explanation or purpose of the event or occasion;
  • If this is an annual event/occasion, please specify if you would like the flag added to the pre-approved list of community flags;
  • Picture of the flag to be flown; and
  • Description of the applicant organization including any local, national international affiliation, brief history, and any other relevant information.

Please note: At the discretion of the Clerk in consultation with the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer, requests to display a flag on municipal property shall be automatically denied when the subject matter:

  1. Promotes ideological, religious or other beliefs that promote hate;
  2. Is contrary to any law; or
  3. Is a corporate sponsorship.

Pre-Approved Community Flags

Pre-approved community flags will be flown annually. These flags represent an Important or Commemorative Day as recognized by the Government of Canada Ministry of Culture, History and Sport, have been requested by community groups in the past and/or are relevant to the Dysart et al community.

FlagDate and Time Period
Haliburton County Snowmobile Association Flag Ontario Snowmobile Safety Week
Pride Flag Minden Pride Week
Every Child Matters Flag Flag will be raised for a week leading up to and including the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Poppy/Lest We Forget Flag Flag will be raised three weeks before Remembrance Day and lowered one week following Remembrance Day
Elimination of Violence Against Women for 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Flag will be raised for the first week of the campaign

Links and Resources

Policy 74 - Flag Protocol Policy

Rules for half-masting the National Flag of Canada

Position of Honour of the National Flag of Canada

Important and Commemorative Days

Contact Us

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