Haliburton County Huskies skating at Harcourt rink with kids

The Municipality of Dysart et al would like to thank all of you who came out to support the Harcourt Outdoor Rink Grand Opening on Sunday, February 5, 2023!

A big thanks to the Haliburton County Huskies for taking time from their busy schedule to come support this community event. The kids were so happy to be able to skate with you!

Also, thank you to the Harcourt Ladies Committee for serving up delicious food and providing a place to warm up.

Jamie Schmale, MP, Laurie Scott, Klara Oyler and Walt McKechnie, thank you for showing your support and to officially open the rink.

A big shout out to Shawn Heasman and Morgan Gadway for all their years of service maintaining the Harcourt Rink!

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