Dysart et al Accessible Community Transportation Service
The DYMO Bus is a specialized bus transportation service operated to assist Dysart et al residents with mobility difficulties and residents that require the assistance of a wheelchair-accessible vehicle. This service is an accessible, shared-ride, door-to-door, pre-booked service intended for persons unable to use conventional transportation due to a disability. The service is available on a temporary or permanent basis, depending on the user’s eligibility.
The bus travels to five (5) areas within the County of Haliburton as well as specialized pre-booked trips to Lindsay, Peterborough, Bracebridge, Barrie, Oshawa, Toronto and Kingston and provides Long Term Care Facility and Medical transfers.
Eligibility Criteria |
Eligibility criteria for Specialized Service is based on several guiding principles. Eligibility is considered on a case-by-case basis for persons unable to use conventional transit due to a disability. Eligibility is not based on a particular disability, age, income or lack of available public transit in an applicant's area. Specialized Transit is not an attendant care service. Passengers whose medical conditions require specific transportation (i.e. extreme fragility requiring transportation below regular speeds or inability to remain on the vehicle for up to one hour) need to contact a non-emergency medical carrier for transportation. Registered Clients may use the service for medical appointments, school, shopping, visiting family or friends and social outings within the municipal limits and/or as specified in the rate schedule. Registrants of the DYMO Bus must be residents of the Municipality of Dysart et al. There are three different types of eligibility for Specialized Transit service: Unconditional Eligibility A person with a permanent disability that prevents them from using conventional transportation services. Temporary Eligibility A person with a temporary disability that prevents them from using conventional transportation services. Example: a person having knee replacement surgery. Conditional Eligibility A person with a disability where environmental or physical barriers (example: snow in winter months) limit their ability to consistently use conventional transportation services. |
Emergency or Compassionate Grounds |
A request for use of the service on emergency or compassionate grounds shall be made by phone or email to the Service Provider (Haliburton Bus Lines - 705-457-5076 or dispatch@haliburtonbuslines.ca) for urgent and unforeseen circumstances preventing the submission of an application, the use of other accessible transportations services, and/or where standard application processing time may cause undue hardship. |
Visitors |
Services will also be provided to non-residents who are visiting the Municipality for a short period of time (less than 3 weeks in any 12-month period). Visitors must meet the eligibility requirements and be an active Registrant of another accessible transit service. To be considered for temporary approval, Visitors can apply by providing proof of registration for Specialized Transit in the Municipality in which they live to the Service Provider as well as the length of their stay. The Service Provider is Haliburton Bus Lines and can be reached at 705-457-5076 or dispatch@haliburtonbuslines.ca. |
Alternative Transportation Options for Non-Residents |
For those seeking alternative options, Haliburton Highlands Health Services Community Support Services offers transportation services throughout Haliburton County for seniors (age 55 plus) and adults with disabilities. Out of town travel for medical appointments can also be arranged. They can be reached at 705-457-2941. Please call at least four (4) business days ahead of time. You can read more about the service by clicking here: https://www.hhhs.ca/community-programs/transportation |
How to Apply
The DYMO Bus Application |
You must be a resident of Dysart et al in order to apply. Please read the Eligibility Requirements prior to submitting an application. The DYMO Bus application can be completed by the applicant or an authorized designate on behalf of the applicant. Alternatively, you may complete the PDF copy of the application and mail, email or fax your completed application to: Municipality of Dysart et al Contact the Municipality of Dysart et al or 705-457-5076 for more information.
Disclaimer: If you experience difficulty accessing the DYMO Bus Application or you would like the application in an alternate format, please contact us by telephone at 705-457-1740 or email mbishop@dysartetal.ca. |
Application Timelines |
Once received, the application will be reviewed within 14 calendar days and notification of eligibility will be sent to you. Please note that an incomplete application cannot be processed and will result in delays. If eligibility has not been determined within 14 calendar days of receipt of the complete application form, applicants will be considered to have temporary eligibility until a decision is made on eligibility. |
Appealing Eligibility |
If an applicant is denied eligibility to specialized transit services, the applicant may appeal the decision in writing to the Municipality. The appeal process shall be clearly communicated via letter or email when the application is denied. |
Rate Schedule - Effective August 1, 2023
Haliburton County |
Please confirm your rate with the dispatcher when booking your ride. For further information, you can access the Dymo Bus Fees and Charges By-Law online. Area 1 Haliburton Village boundaries: Peninsula Drive, Parish Line on Hwy 118, County Rd 19 on Hwy 118, Haliburton Hospital $ 9.00 per person each direction within this area Area 2 Hwy 118 to County Rd 14, Hwy 118 to Glamorgan Road, Minden Township boundary on County Roads 1, 18 and 21, Mountain Street to Parish Line $ 24.00 per person each direction between Area 1 and Area 2 Area 3 Loon Lake Road on Hwy 118, West Guilford, Eagle Lake Village and Lochlin Village $ 30.00 per person each direction between Area 1 and 3 Area 4 County Rd 14 and 19 (Fort Irwin), Miskwabi Lake and Ingoldsby $ 41.00 per person each direction between Area 1 and Area 4 Area 5 Minden Village, Gooderham, Tory Hill, Wilberforce, Harcourt Village and Kennisis Lake $ 52.00 per person each direction between Area 1 and Area 5 Beyond the boundaries of each of the villages in Areas 1 through 5 Add $ 1.65 per kilometre |
Haliburton to Lindsay, Peterborough or Bracebridge |
$ 330.00 minimum or $ 55.00 per passenger for 6 or more people |
Haliburton to Barrie, Oshawa, Toronto or Kingston |
$ 220.00 minimum plus $ 55.00 per hour |
Long Term Care Facilities |
These rates are for Long Term Care facility group outings. $ 165.00 up to 3 hours $ 55.00 per hour thereafter |
Booking the Service
Hours of Service |
Specialized transit hours are Monday to Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Subject to driver availability, Specialized Transit is available on Statutory Holidays, with the exception of Christmas Day. |
How to Book the Service |
Registered users (Registrants) must call or email Haliburton Bus Lines to book a ride at 705-457-5076 or dispatch@haliburtonbuslines.ca. Voicemail services will be available outside of regular hours, but voicemail booking must be verified in a follow-up call from the dispatcher. The Municipal Office cannot arrange bookings and will direct all booking inquiries to Haliburton Bus Lines. The DYMO Bus service will strive to accommodate same day/on-demand bookings. Wait times for pick-up will be dependent on the availability of the bus based upon the current demand on the system. A permanent booking arrangement for service for Registrants who travel on a regular pre-determined basis may be accommodated for destinations such as work, post-secondary school or medical purposes but is limited to one booking arrangement per Registrant. Registrants may also book one-off trips at any time if they have a permanent booking arrangement in place. |
Booking Changes/Cancellations |
Bookings, modifications or cancellations of trips may be made by anyone representing a DYMO Bus Registrant based on the understanding that all such bookings, modifications or cancellations are the sole responsibility of the Registrant. It is critical for riders to call the Service Provider, Haliburton Bus Lines, at 705-457-5076 and cancel any trips they do not require. DYMO Bus users are encouraged to cancel a trip as soon as they are aware it will not be required. When a rider does not show for the service, the Service Provider will automatically cancel any of that rider’s remaining of trips for the day unless they hear from the rider. Riders who do not show up for the trip are required to pay for the regular fare for the No-Show, and this fare must be paid the next time the service is used. |
Service Disruptions |
As per the Municipality of Dysart et al's Accessible Customer Service Policy, the Municipality will make reasonable effort to provide customers with notice in the event of a planned or unexpected disruption in the DYMO Bus services. This notice will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration, and a description of alternative facilities or services, if available. Additional information such as a contact person or time with which the notice will be updated may also be included were reasonable. This notice will be posted in visible places, or on the Municipality’s website, or by any other method that may be reasonable under the circumstances, as soon as reasonably possible. |
Companions and Assistance
Support Person |
A Registrant may be required, as determined through the registration process, to have a Support Person travelling with them. The Support Person must board and exit the vehicle at the same time and place as the Registrant. A Support Person will not be charged while assisting a Registrant. |
Companions |
Subject to vehicle capacity, a Registrant may have up to two (2) Companions travel with them on the service. The Registrant must indicate at the time of booking the trip how many Companions are travelling. Companion travel is restricted based on vehicle capacity. All Companions must pay the prevailing fare with the exception of children under the age of five (5). The Companion(s) must board and exit the vehicle at the same time and place as the Registrant and must be able to wear a standard seat belt. Infant and Child seating/restraint systems are the sole responsibility of the Registrant or their Support Person and must adhere to the regulations set forth in the Highway Traffic Act. If travelling with children, the Registrant or Support Person must be able to secure car seats or booster seats independently. Parents or guardians are responsible for the care of, and the governing of the behaviour of their Infant/Child at all times while travelling on the DYMO Bus. If parents or guardians are unable to assume responsibility for the care of the Child as a result of their disability, then they are required to have a Support Person with them on all trips where the Infant/Child is present. |
Service Animals |
Certified service animals that are needed to assist Registrants will be accommodated. Riders are requested to advise the dispatcher that a service animal will be accompanying them at the time of booking to ensure accommodation. Riders may be required to provide service animal certification upon request by the driver. Please ensure that you have this documentation with you when you travel on the Specialized Transit. Animals who pose a health or safety risk will not be allowed to travel. |
Pets |
Riders are requested to advise the dispatcher that a pet will be accompanying them at the time of booking to ensure accommodation. Securely leashed or contained and/or caged dogs and non-exotic pets under the control of the owner shall be permitted, depending on schedule availability. Animals who pose a health or safety risk will not be allowed to travel. |
Assistive Devices |
The DYMO Bus can accommodate wheelchairs and scooters that are no larger than 48 inches in length and 32 inches in width, and the combined weight of the passenger and their assistive device must not exceed 1000 lbs. Registrants who use scooters are encouraged to transfer to a seat. It is important to ensure that assistive devices (including walkers, rollators, etc) are clean and in good repair (i.e. tires, seatbelt, foot rests, and brakes). If an assistive device is deemed unsafe the trip may be refused. Riders are responsible for the safe and effective maneuvering of their own assistive device. |
Passenger Responsibilities |
This specialized transit service is a pre-booked, shared-ride transportation service. All Registrants, Support Persons and Companions are expected to conduct themselves in a manner respectful of other riders and the driver to ensure the safe delivery of service. Incidences of conduct or behavior that is contrary to this will be brought to the attention of the Municipality. Passenger Responsibilities
Operator Responsibilities |
Operators will:
Operators do not:
Related Documents
DYMO Bus Brochure (Accessible Version)
DYMO Bus Brochure (Print Version)
Municipality of Dysart et al Specialized Transportation Policy
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